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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Zibukkkk banget

duh berapa hari ini gw super sibuk,
yang ga jelas sibuknya ...
salah denk bukan ga jelas sibuknya,
justru saking jelas sibuknya,
stress sendiri ...

hari ini dah mbuat 4 data buru-buru gitu ...
diburu dateline krn data mo dikasih ke calon owner baru,,
lebih tepatnya bukan dateline, tapi hrs selesai sebelum jam 3 siang,
krn jam 4 meetingnya boss ...

dah jadi 3, 1 diliat,,,
trus mendadak minta berubah angkanya ..
waduh, nyerah deh ...
pasti ga selesai by 3 o'clock ...

btw, dah lama ga pernah mengalami yg satu ini lagi
meskipun hati sempet berdebar,
sempet rada ga pede,
tapi ternyata lancar juga ...
Thank You, GOD for bimbingannya di ruangan itu kemaren ...
moga-moga he has good impression about me ...
I am satisfied - i already said and did my Best ...
at least YOU have given me a chance to be "judged" fairly ...
Thank's Again, GOD ..

sesibuknya gw,
ntah kenapa kok gw merasa bosen juga yach dengan semua
situasi n kondisi sperti ini ...
bukan hanya urusan kantor tapi bout semuanya deh...
lucu yach, kok bisa Super Busy but Boring
Duh, masa depan nich kayak apa yach...

kadang-kadang yach ...
seandainya kita tau apa yang akan terjadi untuk future kita,
tentunya lebih tenang gitu gw ...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

is he angry ??

is it only my feeling or what,
but I get a feeling that he is angry at me,
becoz of the promise I made for last weekend,
but I couldn't make it,
without me bother to call or tell him something...

and really ..
napa gw yang musti merasa bersalah,
kan it's not totally my fault juga...

tapi sayangnya,
krn i gave him no explanation at all,
yah, dia juga ga tau problem gw kan ...

sebodo amat lah ...
my life is hectic enough to be thinking of anything else
less important ..

duh, gimana yach,
kok gw ngerasa even in my blog,
gw ga bisa nulis blak-blakan gini,
takut kebaca n lgsung deh nebak2 sapa2 yg dimaksud ....

Friday, June 09, 2006

My Daughter's B-Day

i feel soo bad about my daughter's birthday,
June 9th 2006 , natashia my oldest daughter turns 12 years old...
the condition doesn't support to have a Birthday mood..
she is having an National exam in the next 2 weeks...
tentunya ga bisa kemana-mana ..

to make it worse,
the weekend , i have to be in the meeting with my friends,
aaahhh.... poor girl ...
hopefully, i can make it up to her,
after she finish her exam
and get the announcement from school

Happy Birthday, my Girl
Wish you all THe Best for Your Future Life,
My prayer so that everything Turn Up Good for you
If anything or anyone fail to comfort and make you happy,
Remember always to Depend on GOD
God Bless you in everything you do...