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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer in Seoul

by Ilana Tan

Recommended by friend,  akhirnya terbeli jugalah buku ini,,
dr serial ini, aku beli 2 buku dulu ...
"Summer in Seoul" dan "Winter in Tokyo"

Not too surprising of course why i pick Summer in Seoul first,
concerning how i love korea, very much not too connected, hehehe, but oh well ...

storylinenya simple tp ga terlalu simple juga,
krn ada bbrp plot menarik yg ada di luar yg aku pikirkan,
Dab begitu baca first chapter,
i just instantly hooked into the story,
seolah ga mau terlepas dari buku ini,
buat penasaran pengen cepet2 tau endingnya,
sampai akhirnya secara nonstop baca terus,
till the ending...

it's about two people - a korean actor named Jung Tae Woo and  Sandy/Soon Hee, an Indonesian-Korean girl... both live in Seoul, Korea. Kisah terjadi di Korea, tp ada juga plot yg membawa kita terbang balik ke Jakarta. Ga perlu lah ditulis lagi ringkasan cerita ini, krn jadi ga seru akhirnya.

concerning it's about Korean,
i was concerned about how it's going to end,
would it end happily or sad ending ...

for people who used to watch K-dramas,
the story itself is somewhat like the typical k-dramas,
while reading, i keep my imagination of whose actor/ress most likely starred Jung Tae Woo and Soon Hee (blasteran indonesia - korea), and that what keeps me interested...
---  in the midle, mengikuti cerita bahkan tokoh artis yg aku bayangin ini sampai berubah becoz of the character ..

back to storyline, it's romantic n moving, 
yet just like the regular korean dramas, the romance is very limited, yet can be felt through my heart...
in other words, 
sebenernya gak terlalu ada scene romantis antara kedua orang ini di crita ,
tapi keromantisan itu bisa dirasakan dalem banget di hati...

so typical of korean story,
dibuat deg2an apakah ada hal2 jelek yg menimpa salah 1 dari kedua tokoh ini,,,
well, i guess have to read it to find out...

overall, i love it... i love how Ilina Tan put the answer of my question not right away, but she put the answer somewhere in the back...
Am about ready to read it one more time, this time i would love to read it word by word ...

I Specially love how the author put the STory behind Number 9
 in the mobilephone, it's quite touching...

"...................   dalam baseball ada 9 pemain, kurang satu saja tidak bisa.  Sembilan artinya lengkap. ......  Itu karena kalau dia ada, aku baru merasa benar, merasa lengkap.  Dia nomor sembilanku."

And now i am listening to "Confession by Kangta"  

One more Season is waiting :  "Winter in Tokyo" by the same author, Ilana Tan

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