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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Breaking Dawn part 1

the first 10 minutes watching, i feel soo much uneasy, because all these teens going with me and watch this ... seriously can't breath and just wish the movie will end quickly ... i didn't know , didn't read, and partly ignorance too maybe, about what was this movie would be about ... well, i just thought it would be a continuity from the last part ...

so the first maybe 10 minutes or so, i couldn't enjoy the supposedly probably the most romantic part from other part ... (no wonder,,, i remember Julia kinda reminds me when i said my kids and their friends are watching , and i didn't quite connect to her saying).

anyway, i was glad the 'HONEYMOON' part was over and it continues to the 'real' story ... and no need to comment on the story or the casts, because all of those are just flowing well, especially with those three actor/tress , they are just great looking ...

from part to part since Twilight , I always love Carlisle character and the person who play his character.  For me, he is the closest perfect character with his full of wisdom, calm, and mature , also quite handsome too.

oh, one thing about this part : i especially love the setting of this honeymoon island, the Isle Esme  (somewhere near Rio, Brazil) ... there is actually island looking like that ... the ocean , the sky, the villa itself , a perfect combo --  the setting of the honeymoon room in the villa just lovely and special romantic ,,  Bella of course  not like usual, she looks just beautiful ,, and i usually don't like Edward because of his 'too-pale/too-whitesh' make up ..but at this island, i see that Edward Cullen look just perfect, his smile is gorgeous, his face not too white, his eye-shadow not too dark around the eyes,, i can say everything about Edward Cullen in this island JUST RIGHT ....  i even love the time when they just play chess, i see them very suited-perfectly at this Esme island ...

This is what i'm talking about .. perfect situation, perfect smile, even perfect shirt colors

another one of  perfect situation -
even the pillows, flower vase and arrangements looks perfect standing there-
looking at the couple - nice matching shirts

about the movie itself,  ,,,  well,,, how can i say this ,,, while millions of people must adorably love the Edward Cullen and Bella couple, I , on the other hand, feels much more towards Bella Swan and Jacob ...  ain't that a strange !!! but then again, i wonder too sometimes why i do that >>  while others like the good guy, out of blue, i can feel more toward the villain guy ...kind of weird... 
O, Darn !  I know now that i miss one part -- i think it was the New Eclipse (where was i when everybody including my kids watched this a while ago??)  --'missinglink.com' 
anyhow, i love the New Moon (??) when Edward Cullen left and it was the time for Jacob who give Bella love that she needs and accompany and protect her for quite sometimes.  Loving this moment forever.

Was totally crushed  to watch the part when Jacob came at the wedding reception  and said that  he want to enjoy your last moment as a human ... hiks hiks ... 

Actually this movie isn't bad for Jacob ... i enjoy how 'Jacob's part' is actually become the one of the important key in this movie. (rather subjective of my opinion maybe)

Some Parts that i remember when i have quite a good moment of Jacob and Bella:
Jacob dance with Bella at the wedding ... the whole conversation ...siggh... i am on Jacob's side imagining how he must have felt at this time.
The part where Jacob came rushing to the Cullen's house after he slightly heard that Bella get sick. ...  
at Cullen's house, Bella is glad that Jacob came and sometimes after the conversation, Bella ask Jacob not leave yet.
when Bella felt cold /shivering, Jacob was the one who give his 'warmth' to her , i was hoping he hug her (but then i probably ask too much considering her husband, Edward, is in the same room,,,ho ho ho) ... the fact that Jacob is werewolf is warm-blooded functions really good... >>> anyway, at this part when Jacob said ' I get it ' before he came closer to Bella ---> the whole audience were just giggling and laughing for a minute there.
There are other parts that i think Jacob is being a very caring and loving to Bella and protecting her no matter what the consequences between him and the other werewolves.
when Bella said .. the name of the baby if it's a boy "EJ - Edward Jacob" ---  this part also makes the whole audience were laughing at the cinema
Somehow , I get lost at the part when Edward said  'Jacob imprint her (Renesmee), and it is the rules of the werewolves' and the others have to obey ... so the werewolves started to leave the Cullen's house...  
From everything in this movie, 
i have to give two thumbs up for Bella's make up artist ...
how can they make Bella looking time to time getting skinnier,
ooo,, not just looking skinny, but she looks like 70 to 80 years older with the make up,
looking terrible as she can be,, looks like just the skin and the bones, 
totally scary looking for a woman.

and the difference with the very last part
when she is in the process of becoming vampire
her cheeks, her bones , her body starts to fill up again in its proper place.
Bella looks more beautiful than she ever be.
ckckck ... amazing trick.

 what not to love from him
he is handsome, good-looking, and his sexy athlete body
his appearance totally change start from New Moon
most difference : he put more muscle
Jacob Black in character
Taylor Lautner in real person

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Michael Buble Christmas" Album 2011

yeepee !  finally get a chance to grab this album yesterday when i went to MKG

The album has 2 cds ~ one cd is for the songs, and the 2nd cd is the dvd The Making of the Michael Buble Christmas.

I practically sleep on it yesterday night --
it's really a wonderful Christmas album ~ can't say which one is my favorite yet, because i love them all ~ love Michael's version of 'All I want for Christmas is you' ~ 'Ave Maria' Buble sing it in Latin ~ and of course my favorite Christmas song 'Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas' ~ there is a new one 'Cold December Night ' this one i also love ~ and of course truly love the first track 'It's The Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas' very typical of Buble , the song is just Sway-ing like his regular songs ...

See,,, soo many i love, i can't pick which is my fave one or my fave two or three, hehehe

Haven't got a chance to watch the other cd which is the making of ...
still feel like listening the albums again ...

in the mood of 'soo much in love with Michael Buble'

i will probably still babbling and humming bout this album anyway ..

by the way, 
is it me or do i feel that this year some shopping malls start the Christmas spirit earlier and earlier every year.

Michael Buble and Josh Groban

Julia put this video in her blog .
this is her post about  her favorites "Duets"

I feel like putting it here.  This particular one about Michael Buble and Josh Groban is really fun and hilarious ... love both of them , they are really good ... wonder if they really have a "Duet" together ..

Wednesday, November 09, 2011


sinetron -- hhmm,,, pada awalnya ada beberapa sinetron yang quite okey untuk ditonton -- tapi lama kelamaan berubah jadi totally menyebalkan -- karena alur cerita jadi terasa banget dibuat-buatnya, dipanjang-panjangin, gak masuk diakal -- keliatan jadinya kalau penulis cerita kurang kreatif -- padahal awal-awal sinetron biasanya sangat menarik --  padahal kalau mereka buat sinetron indonesia seperti K-drama (korean drama) mestinya jadi bagus -- terbukti Hallyu (atau korean wave) masuk ke indonesia pertama itu dari org2 indonesia yang suka dan tergila2 dengan K-drama.  K-drama yg kategori bagus paling2 terpanjang sekitar 40-50 episodes, ada bbrp yg sampe 80 episodes tapi average sekitar 20 eps, 40 eps ... jadi enak ngikutin cerita drama , kalau gak terlalu panjang ... 

halnya dengan sinetron indonesia , contoh dulu "Cinta Fitri" pas session 1-3 masih ok-ok, tp begitu berkepanjangan gak jelas, bahkan sampe bertahun-tahun, weleh, ogah banget khan nontonya ...

Beberapa sinetron di akhir tahun lalu (akhir 2010) atau bahkan di tahun 2011 ini, contohnya "Putri yang Tertukar"  --  pertama sinetron ini bagus tapi lama kelamaan begitu ceritanya udah ribet gak keruan, langsung STOP nonton  --  Putri yang Tertukar :  Nikita Willy yang main jadi Amira dan pak Prabuwidjaya yang dimainin oleh Atalarik Syah cukup mempesona dari awal smp sekarang , tp karna ceritanya udah gak jelas yah males juga nontonnya ...bbrp hari lalu sempet 'tune in' lagi karna gak ada yg bagus yg bisa ditonton , tp krn ternyata cerita udah berubah 180 derajat n gak jelas sampe dimana   ... oh well, langsung change channel lagi ke lainnya ... tp personally aku masih suka banget sama Pak Prabuwidjaya, karakter yang tegas, berwibawa, tapi kadang2 lucu juga terutama kalau dia lagi marah  ... karakter Amira dan yang lain2nya jadi agak menyebalkan krn ceritanya dibuat demikian ...

Gak lama yang lalu, ada juga "Anugerah" yang main Nabila Syakieb ... yg ini justru terbalik, pertama2 ceritanya gak seru, bahkan gak sempet nonton sama sekali , krn setiap kali lewat channel ini, kok yang dibahas Nugie mulu -- apa gak ada karakter lain selain si anak Nugie yang ceritanya sakit kanker, dan punya ibu yang gak jelas sapa ibu kandungnya --  berubahnya jalan cerita "Anugerah" ini terutama di sekitar 2 bulan terakhir ini cukup buat sinetron ini seru, terutama setelah keluarnya tokoh villain cewek si Clara yang diperankan oleh Alexandra Guttardo .. personally i always like her looks, she always seem soo smart and sexy , so eventhough she plays villain character, i think her Clara character makes this sinetron becomes very interesting -- keliatannya klimaks udah lewat for me watching this sinetron, karena lagi2 dibuatlah aneh2 pula cerita ini -- how come tokoh Nabilla yang tadinya dipikir orang dan keluarga sudah dead, begitu jadi Sandra berubah menjadi character yang lebih menyenangkan (yg jelas lebih tegas, firm, kuat, dan gak mudah dihina orang), tapi begitu orang2 dan keluarga kembali tau bahwa dia itu Nabilla , berubahlah lagi dia menjadi sosok cewek yang lemah, gampang dihina, takut sama orang, dan bbrp sifat lemah lainnya ... geezz ... jadi gak suka  ---  plus lagi liat sosoknya si Bima, apakah dia satu2 nya orang yg paling tolol, dan paling lemot di sinetron ini, otherwise how come everybody else already knew something, he is always the last one to know, and when he knows the fact about something, he is also the person who always hesitate -- capek deh liat cowok kayak gini .

ada lagi 1 sinetron "Dewa" yang main the most favorite Dude Herlino and Naysilla Mirdad , sebetulnya sinetron ini kliatannya cukup menarik, dan tumben2nya si Naysilla Mirdad (Dewa) yang biasanya dibuat menjadi karakter cewek lemah, tak berdaya, dan selalu dirundung masalah, menjadi sosok yang lain dari biasanya, (hope it stays that way) -- tapi di sinetron ini ada juga yg namanya Diandra (gak familiar siapa yang main) , gak suka banget lah sama karakter cewek yang seperti ini, cewek yang baik, tapi kemana-mana selalu dirundung kesialan, dan juga selalu bawa sial  --- hadeuh, ampun deh, cewek ini kesialannya udah terlalu banget.

~~~ Pernah Berharap dan Masih Berharap Suatu Hari nanti Sinetron Indonesia bisa sebagus Korean Drama -- baik dari segi cerita, pemain, yah semuanya lah, termasuk ost korean drama yang sangat support banget ketenaran k-dramanya ~~~

Tuesday, November 01, 2011


I never recall getting sunburn before, but since 3 and half years ago there had been 3 times I experienced it:

1st TIME
more or less 3 years ago  ; my first pretty bad sunburn after swimming almost half day at the training session at HS Swimming Pool - somewhere @ Pondok Kopi.  << kalo dipikir lagi kenapa juga kita yg kerjanya di f&b, kitchen, marketing,  harus ikutan swimming test pula - it's not like we are the lifeguard,,,,,, later on i thought the swimming test was just for the fun part >>  Anyway, the Sunburn Not just on my face, but also my back and my thigh ... the thing with sunburn was that not just the reddish color that looks really ugly, but worse yet was the feeling of itch and harsh all over the burnt skin(pedih nya terasa banget di kulit, belum kadang juga gatel yang mana gak mungkin digaruk karena takut menimbulkan luka and infeksi ato sesuatu yang lebih parah lagi) ... that was the first sunburn i remembered that lasted for more than a week.

2nd TIME
Two days in a row playing in the water park, the first day in Ocean World was totally fine, i put on quite a lot of sunblock on my face, back and all other places that were not covered by swimming cloth, so the sun did not burn me... the next day, when we were in one of rented cabana in Caribbean Bay water park, after i put on the sunblock on my back and leg, when i  was going to put on my sunblock lotion on my face, i saw a sunblock that my boss used, and since i never see the kind of sunblock that is rolled on,.... hhmmm, i think this sunblock is cute ...  moreover i was thinking -- swimming in korea, so better use korean sunblock ,,, hehehe,, how i was soo silly back then ,,, so i couldn't help to ask my boss whether i may borrow and use his... so i put my sunblock aside and used that rolled on sunblock on my face ... pede lah bahwa this nice looking sunblock ini pastinya lebih bagus drpada yg dibawa dari jakarta ... baru realized after few hours going round and round, the weather was actually cool not hot, but the sun was definitely shining (terik istilahnya) , i just realized why my face felt hot , then my friend said my face was totally red ... ooo, darn, i got sunburn, good thing i realized it quick, so washed my face and put my regular sunblock ...
Half-dark red, but good thing it wasn't that bad ...  well, good lesson for me: i supposed my skin and korean type of skin are different, they don't need extra protection sunblock like i did ...

3rd TIME
Last Saturday ...  accompanying my son and daughter to go to a School Festival..  termasuk salah satu hari terpanas di bbrp minggu terakhir ini .. felt like there were 2 suns .. was extremely hot ... we were there exposed to the sun from 10 o'clock in the morning until 3 o'clock in the afternoon ... nice way to get sunburn ... this time i was totally forget my sunblock , i didn't think it was that hot and i didn't think that all area except the stage was not covered by tents .. ou ou ou ... jadilah sepulang dari sana, capek, dan stelah mandi, i realized got sunburn pretty bad ...  until now, two days after, my face still reddish although not as bad as sunday ...  thank's for the Phien Ce Wang's powder (recommended by my mom)  every some hours, i put on this powder, this powder give sensation of coolness in the face ... it helps a lot reduce the smearing hot feeling, also reduce the reddish color in the face ...