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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tompi & Autumn In Paris

do you know what ...
don't know if this is always such a coincidence or what....

after first and second time reading Autumn in Paris by Ilana Tan,
every time i have a thought about it
(and usually i think in my car while driving)
the radio whatever the channel is would be playing Tompi Song....

i didn't really pay attention to it in the beginning,
but second time it happens
i tried to listen to his song lyric 

nah ternyata setelah mendengar lirik lagu Tompi yang satu ini
"tak pernah setengah hati"
liriknya itu pas pas banget dengan situasi nya Autumn in Paris
i just can't believe it that this song by Tompi
very much describe what happens on Autumn in Paris 
the love situation between Tatsuya and Tara
i can feel it in this song ....

and now -- whenever i heard this song being played in the radio,
my mind automatically goes back at Autumn in Paris 

listen to Tompi song 
the melody is beautiful and touching,
especially love the music arrangement ~ 
the orchestra adds the elegance and emphasis of this song

here is the lyric of 'Tak Pernah Setengah Hati'

Tak pernah setengah hati
Ku mencintaimuku memiliki dirimu
Setulus-tulusnya jiwa
Ku serahkan semua hanya untukmuTak pernah aku niati untuk melukaimu
Atau meninggalkan dirimu
Sesal ku selalu bila tak sengaja
Aku buat kau menangis
Memiliki mencintai dirimu kasihku
Tak akan pernah membuat diriku menyesal
Sungguh matiku
Hidupku ‘kan selalu membutuhkan kamu

And this is what Tatsuya said to Tara Dupont, his only Love and Happiness and also his step sister unfortunately -- before he decided to go back to Japan and not knowing if he would ever come back to Paris.

"Aku sangat senang bisa mengenalmu... Terimakasih... Aku tidak pernah menyesal mengenalmu, Percayalah padaku.... Berjanjilah padaku kau akan baik-baik saja."

And this is what Tara Dupont said to Tatsuya Fujisawa, her only Love  ... 
after the accident at the working place, he waited in his comma for several days for Tara to come to Tokyo from Paris, and after hearing this, he's gone .... 

"Terima kasih.... Terimakasih atas semua yang sudah kaulakukan untukku. Aku selalu senang bersamamu.  Kau membuat segalanya menyenangkan... Saat-saat bersamamu adalah saat-saat paling membahagiakan..  Aku selalu mengira saat itu bisa bertahan selamanya." ............   and i always remember this line because i repeat it again and again and again,   "Biarkan aku menangis.  Hari ini saja.  Tidak perlu mengkhawatirkan aku.  Aku akan baik-baik saja. ... Mungkin butuh waktu, tapi aku akan baik-baik saja.  Aku janji.....  Aku akan selalu menyayangimu.  aku mencintaimu... mencintamu... sangat mencintaimu..."

This song by Tompi is JUST PERFECT  for this LOVE STORY ...
and i am going crazy over all of these ....
i actually hate this when it happens to me
but sometimes it just happen ...
i can't help how i may react toward something ....
something i read ....
something i listen ....
something i see .....

there goes the song:
"Tak Pernah Setengah Hati" by TOMPI

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