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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Autumn in Paris

sayangnya sebelum beli buku ini, sempet google-google n akhirnya ketauan lah kalo novel ini will end up with sad ending .... huhuhuhu ... why don't people write "spoiler" before they write review books or movies or whatever ...

i am practically prepared and aware of how the ending is going to be
nevertheless still left my big curiosity
mengingat ini buku ketiga dari Ilana Tan yang aku baca,
dan notabene 2 dari buku sebelumnya ***  yang aku baca sudah sukses membuat hampir setiap hari kepikiran dan terbayang2 sama tokoh-tokoh ceritanya Ilana Tan.

there it goes:  *** spoiler everywhere ***

Tatsuya Fujisawa & Tara Dupont
keduanya blasteran French & Asian
both have beautiful comforting Grey Eyes, nice black hair
both have Asian/Oriental looks more outstanding then their French looks

Tara Dupont, 
talkative, cheerful, active girl, working as a radio presenter, love the Autumn season very much...
on the other hand, 
Tatsuya Fujisawa
the man has quite the opposite character, mungkin karena bbrp incident sepertinya ibunya meninggal di musim gugur sehingga dia sama sekali ga suka musim Gugur ....

baca novel ini bener2 menguras habis air mata,
terutama setelah kenyataan yang pahit yang harus diterima oleh 2 orang.

from the beginning till the middle, i truly enjoy whatever about Tatsuya,,,
everything he does just mesmerize me ...
my heart always pounding & sometimes laugh when email of Tatsuya to the radio being read by the announcer ...
his emails display his true feeling to a girl whom he admire
i am more deeply touched dengan  his innocence in liking this Tara girl - kepolosan dia dalam mengagumi sosok gadis ini
ngajak kencan lewat email yang ditulis ke radio ...
all about Tatsuya - makes me totally in love

if there is a guy who is similar like Tatsuya Fujisawa ... very honest in his feeling and his expressions ... romantic but not overdoing,  bisa kerasa romantisnya dia, sangat polos dan bener2 ga dibuat-buat.... sigghs, i am soo in love with him ...

Everything is soo perfect until Eloise's (friend of Tara) birthday party at club La Vue (the club that belongs to Tara's father) 

2 important points happened in that night:

1.  Tara found out and feels flattered that she was actually the one who  Tatsuya  told in the email...  sosok cewe yang telah membuat Tatsuya terpesona di Charles de Gaulle Airport for the first time, and she found out also that she has actually met Tatsuya twice before she was officially being introduced to Tatsuya by Sebastien (Tara's friend) at the cafe... 

Imagine Tara, feeling happy, flattered and blushing, and whatever else on her mind after knowing this ...  i would feel that way too if i was her... ..  extremely happy obviously  

Then comes another important fact at the same night:

2.  Another surprise ... this time is for Tatsuya ... . pada waktu Tatsuya mendengar Jean Daniel, si pemilik klub La Vue itu memanggil nama Tara dengan sebutan "Victoria" dan Tara pun memanggil Jean Daniel dengan sebutan "Papa...  

Kekagetan yang dirasakan Tatsuya saat ini, shock pastinya, and dalam hati mungkin  "what the hell is going on" (maybe in french or even japanese) ....

Honestly, at this very moment when both Tara and her father greet each other,,, i just feel like closing this book and don't want to continue, because i get a feeling where this story will go on after that ....  oh oh oh....  why should this be happening ...

still continue ....

story still goes beautiful, touching, very very sad, but very very romantic  ...
no...  i will not know and can't feel how they feel after they know that horrible fact ...

their love to each other already get in too deep, sincere ,,,
yet they can't love each other anymore

first i can't understand why Ilana Tan made Tatsuya die by the accident at his working place,
but now after reading the book several times (4 or 5 times) knowing how big and deep their love to each other,  i totally understand why it has to end like this ... 

for two person in love like those two,
it already became like living in hell for both of them,
esp for guy who has soft feeling like Tatsuya ... 

i break into crazy crying, reading the last chapter reading all those emails between Tatsuya Fujisawa and Sebastien Gerardieu ...
the whole story is flowing soo easily yet very deep ...
the 1st time reading, second time reading, third time reading, even til the fifth still my heart doesn't want to let go of him...

saat itu Tatsuya punya banyak permohonan yang ia tahu tidak akan bisa terkabul.  Kenyataan tidak akan bisa diubah.  Tetapi ketika ia memandang Tara dan melihatnya tersenyum, ia tahu apa yang diinginkannya ..... 
dan dia menjawab email Sebastien...
"Selama dia bahagia, aku juga akan bahagia.  Sesederhana itu."

For me, this is the Best Love Story ever,  don't know if i am exaggerating or not, but it feels like that to me,,, i even think it's better than Romeo and Juliette love story, who ends up with two people in love die - kill themselves ....

Autumn in Paris ... hiks hiks hiks

*** First reading of Ilana Tan's novel is  Summer in Seoul  , and Second reading is   Winter in Tokyo ... while actually from the Season, i should've probably read Autumn in Paris second ... it doesn't matter ... all three area good love story, one better than another, Autumn in Paris soo far is the Best for me... 

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